We need to have your travel details on file in order to be able to understand which vaccinations are available to you as part of the travel consultation service.
Disease risk
Hepatitis A
DTP (diphtheria tetanus poliomyelitis)
Hepatitis B
Typhoid fever
Tick-borne encephalitis
Yellow fever
Japanese encephalitis
Meningitis ACWY
Please provide as much information as you can to describe the trip you are undertaking.
Please select from the listed options to best describe your accommodation, reason for travel and the possible activities you may take part in for ALL the countries during your trip.
You may tick more than one box per section. This must include at least one pre-defined option – you cannot just select ‘Other’.
Please record any previous travel vaccinations
If you have received any doses of vaccines in the past, please record the details below. When you have finished or if you have no vaccination history to record, click on the ‘Save and continue’ button.
Combined hepatitis A & B
Combined typhoid & hepatitis A
MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
Click to view pharmadoctor terms & conditions
We recommend at least 2 working days notice prior to your appointment date, to ensure we have enough stock for the appointment.
Click to view pharmadoctor terms & conditions.